02/17/09 12:49 PM |
Adam Bouchard
I'm going to take down the "When do we start?" survey. The results were pretty much split between "Start Now", and "Give them until the end of the month". It sounds like we are kicking around a few ideas already. Lisa and I have exchanged e-mails and bounced a couple of other things around I'd like to run past everyone. There are a few people that went to school with us that didn't actually finish school at MHHS and it might be nice to see if they are interested in getting together. Sandy Yount let me know that Jeannie Bartlett was interested. Lisa also mentioned Buck Hanners and Bill Hahs. I had a neat phone call with Tom Gills the other night and he said Bill lives close to him. Lisa and I also talked about tracking down some of our teachers. People like Mr. Hathaway, Mr. Eck, Mr. Henke, Mrs. McAllister, Coach Rhea, Mrs. Gross, and anyone else we might want to catch up with. Let me know what you think.
One more thing, I just put up some pictures of my family. I don't have anything recent of me, but you can see the rest of them. I'm anxious to see uploaded pictures of everyone and their families. It's really easy.